To Pay or Not to Pay?

This Crossed My Desk
In-case you were not aware, if you have an employee scheduled to work, they show up for their shift, and you send them home because there is not enough work for them to do, you have to pay them reporting pay. Further you must pay them up to half the time of their scheduled shift. This will affect restaurant, and retail businesses who have hours of operations longer than 8 hours.. There are a few exceptions to this rule, Section 5 of the labor code explains them, but here are a few examples: This rule does not apply if operations can not commence due to threats to employees or property; or when recommended by civic authorities. It does not apply if Public utilities fail. For more details go to either the CEA website, or the California Department of Labor.
This was designed to protect employees against inadequate scheduling. The onus is on the employer, to do their homework when scheduling, and believe it or not, take into account weather conditions and other external factors.

From the California Employers Association weekly update.